
Grimsdyke pupils are very proud of their school and as such wear their uniforms with pride.

NEWS FLASH: We are now with Beats Uniforms

Please note that we also have some branded items available from the school office. All other items can be purchased at most supermarkets. For further clarification on uniform, please view the Uniform Policy,

Please ensure all items of school uniform and PE kit are clearly named.

The school uniform is:

  • Dark grey trousers or tunic/skirt/shorts (knee-length)
  • White button through shirt polyester/cotton (Y1-Y6)
  • Reception only may wear a school logoed polo shirt (red or white) available from the school supplier
  • Red Grimsdyke sweatshirt or cardigan (available through the school supplier)
  • White/grey/black socks (knee or ankle length)
  • Black/grey/red tights
  • Sensible black school shoes
  • Red fleece with school logo
  • A suitable coat (please make sure coats have a loop for hanging on a peg)
  • In warm weather, a red/white quarter inch check summer dress or gingham playsuit may be worn. Please note that your child must be able to use the toilet independently before wearing a gingham playsuit.

P.E kit:-

On days when PE is taught, pupils should arrive at school wearing the correct PE kit.

Please ensure all items of PE kit are clearly named.

  • Black shorts 
  • White t-shirt (plain) or white Grimsdyke logoed round neck t-shirt
  • Black jogging top and tracksuit bottoms or a suitable plain coloured dark tracksuit for outdoor PE in the cooler weather
  • Trainers for outdoor use

Swimming kit:-

  • One piece costume or swimming trunks (not swimming shorts)
  • Google may be used with a medical note
  • Towel
  • Lightweight backpack to carry kit to the pool in

Other items:-

  • Students may wear a hijab to school provided it is a plain colour - grey/red/black or white
  • School peaked cap with logo - available from the school office
  • Book bags - for KS1 - these may be purchased from the school supplier
  • KS2 bags - these should be of a sensible size to enable safe storage on a peg in the cloakroom

NB All garments should be clearly marked with the child’s name.

Sun Awareness

School hats are available to buy from the school office in two different styles, a safari hat and a logoed cap Sun tan cream should be applied before school (which will last all day) but in exceptional circumstances, for those children who can not wear all day cream, then a small bottle of roll on sun cream can be kept at school. This should be clearly named.  

Lost Property

Unfortunately items do get lost during the school year. In the case of clothing, if your child's name is clearly marked, we do our best to return the item promptly. There are, however, a great many items which are not marked and which invariably end up in the lost property. We do not have the space to store vast quantities of lost property; it is therefore displayed at regular intervals and then unclaimed items are disposed of at the end of the term. 


Pupils with long hair should wear it tied back (with plain bands) in school at all times on health and safety grounds. 

Jewellery and Personal items

Except for inexpensive watches and small stud earrings, children should not wear jewellery to school, other than items of religious significance (a letter to this effect should be sent to the Headteacher). NB earrings should not be worn on PE days. The school accepts no responsibility for the loss of, or damage to, items worn or brought into school. The child will be asked to remove any such items for any activity where the teacher feels it may cause an accident or injury. Hoops and long earrings are not permitted.  Unfortunately items do get lost during the school year. In the case of clothing, if your child's name is clearly marked, we will endeavour to return it. However, unnamed items will be disposed of at the end of term.