The PSHE Curriculum study at Grimsdyke School will ensure students’ progress to the next stage of their education prepared within this subject by developing a respect and appreciation for the culturally diverse and synergetic local and global community in which they all play a part. They will have developed emotional literacy, social skills and spirituality, with a deep understanding of how morality can guide an individual through life. Students will know how to keep themselves mentally and physically healthy and safe whilst also contributing to the wellbeing of groups and communities to which they belong as mature and responsible global citizens.

At Grimsdyke, we teach focused PSHE lessons using the Jigsaw Scheme of work as a foundation for curriculum delivery. Jigsaw brings together Personal, Social, Health and Economic education, emotional literacy, social skills and spiritual development in a weekly-lesson programme. Jigsaw holds children at its heart and its cohesive vision helps children understand and value who they are and how they fit and contribute to the world.

Jigsaw is designed as a whole school approach, which provides a comprehensive scheme of learning for children in Foundation Stage to Year 6. We adapt and personalise this scheme of work for the students at Grimsdyke.

Every year group covers the same ‘piece’ of the Jigsaw at the same time. Each piece is introduced to the whole school at the start of each half-term through a whole school assembly.

The pieces of Jigsaw that we teach each term are as follows:

·         Autumn 1 - Being me in my world

·         Autumn 2 - Celebrating Difference

·         Spring 1 - Dreams and Goals

·         Spring 2 - Healthy Me

·         Summer 1 - Relationships

·         Summer 2 - Changing Me